Posted by John Vidale on December 12, 2011 at 10:19:13:

The main reason that there is no existing effective circulation system for warning information like that is because of all of the interference from earthquake forecasting skeptics.

You don't seem too clear on what you are predicting. You're celebrating a lag of only 7 hours between a prediction and an earthquake, yet you are willing to fully count earthquakes many days later as hits as well.

I can see why you would be reluctant to specify areas, magnitudes, and time windows for your predictions - you'd like to cherry pick which features of matches with earthquakes to trumpet when coincidence strikes.

Wrt another of your posts, how does does whether the Sun and Moon are on the same side of the Earth or opposite sides conceivably matter? The gravity field is indistinguishable and the Moon doesn't do anything but perturb the gravity field. You're postulating Moon waves!?