Re: bullseye probability
Posted by Roger Musson on June 12, 2001 at 03:11:27:

As I've said before, it doesn't much matter how you do these schemes, as long as you apply the same scoring to intelligent-random predictions and compare the results. The ultimate "score" is the significance with which the actual predictions get higher points than the random ones.

By "intelligent-random" I mean random predictions arranged with respect to some basic information, i.e. a predisposition to high seismicity areas.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: bullseye probability - michael  07:01:59 - 6/12/2001  (7944)  (1)
        ● Re: bullseye probability - Roger Musson  02:52:01 - 6/13/2001  (7963)  (1)
           ● Bond - michael  10:18:37 - 6/13/2001  (7968)  (0)