BRIEF UPDATE - September 7, 2011
Posted by EQF on September 07, 2011 at 16:38:25:

This is just a quick update. There is so much taking place at the moment that it will take me another day or so just to process all of the data and summarize it.

A number of strong EM Signals detected earlier today and an exceptionally large number of low intensity signals are additional indicators of probable approaching significant seismic activity. And formal Earthquake Warnings are being prepared for circulation.

One of the problems here is that it appears that these signals can also be generated in connection with volcanic activity. And the volcano signals might actually be quite a bit stronger and clearer than the earthquake related ones.

Earlier this year quite a few strong signals were detected and warnings were circulated. But there were no earthquakes matching the signals as far as I could tell.

At the moment it looks like the signals were related to the Axial volcano off the coast of Oregon. Several days after I circulated a report around the world about those signals, geology personnel reported in the news that they had accurately predicted that volcanic activity that occurred in the Spring of 2011.

Formal Earthquake Warning data for reference use with E-mail and Newsgroup notes will likely be posted to my personal Internet Bulletin Board. These EarthWaves board notes are presently intended to be conversational in nature. are personal opinions.