Posted by EQF on August 20, 2011 at 18:22:18:
Earthquake Forecasting Program Accuracy And Potential Clearly Demonstrated Posted by EQF on August 20, 2011 The first chart below is the August 20, 2011 chart to which has been added an EM Signal line for the strong signal that was detected on August 15, 2011. The fact that that EM Signal line shows a strong line peak group around 168 E shows the accuracy and potential of this forecasting program. The following powerful Vanuatu earthquakes occurred at 168 E just as expected. 2011/08/20 18:19:25 18.28S 168.13E 29 7.0 Vanuatu 2011/08/20 16:55:03 18.26S 168.06E 41 7.1 Vanuatu NEIS Data  The chart below is a copy of my forecasting chart that was stored on my Web site on August 15, 2011. Those charts demonstrate two of the half dozen or so different ways in which data can be processed with my forecasting program in efforts to forecast earthquakes.The single EM Signal line method can point very specifically to the location of an approaching earthquake as can seen with the first chart. The averaged EM Signal Time Windows on the charts can also point to the same approaching earthquakes as the second chart shows. And there are several other ways the program can be used to focus in on various locations and individual EM Signals. The point is, governments, research groups, and individual researchers around the world could be using this forecasting program to help detect the approach of at least some of their significant earthquakes. The computer program and some of the data are free downloads. I myself don’t have time to try to process all of those data. EM Signals can be detected at a rate of between 0 and 15 to 20 on a given day. So I have to work with the averaged EM Signal charts. But, government scientists would have time to work with individual signals etc. because they would be looking at results for specific areas in their own countries instead of watching for earthquakes that are going to occur around the entire world. That catastrophic March 11, 2011 Japan area earthquake reportedly caused more than 300 billion dollars US in damage and claimed some 25,000 lives. And the excuse that governments can’t afford to spend any money on earthquake forecasting research is absolutely absurd! My first formal earthquake warning was sent to the U.S. government on December 30, 1994, several weeks before the devastating January 16, 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan. And if the government of Japan had spent any reasonable amount of money on earthquake forecasting research between 1995 and March 11, 2011 then they might have been able to avoid perhaps 100 billion dollars of that damage, avoided much of the chaos that Japan's nuclear power industry suffered, and saved many of those lives. 100 billion dollars could pay for a lot of earthquake forecasting research. These are personal opinions.