Name The Web Page Background Color Contest - February 22, 2011
Posted by EQF on February 21, 2011 at 23:24:08:

Name The Web Page Background Color Contest - Posted by EQF on February 22, 2011

Note to Canie – If you want to remove this particular posting from your list then you have my personal blessing with that. The post does pertain in an indirect way to earthquake forecasting. But you might prefer more direct postings.

Or, just post a response here asking people not to post any responses. That won’t get me upset in any way. After all, we all owe you a lot of thanks for keeping this board running in spite of all of the arguments over the years etc.


There is an actual goal here. The “contest” part is just intended for humor. Everyone has seen those “Name the dog, cat, or whatever” contests on TV.

The prize for the winner here would be some Internet Web pages that have a background color that he or she might prefer.

In response to this post I am suggesting that people post notes containing little or no text. The posts might simply display a block having the background color that the poster likes. I will consider almost any attractive looking colors for the background page color for my new earthquake research related bulletin board.

Here are the contest instructions and rules:

In your post heading or in the body you need to include a 6 character code for the background color you like so that we know what it is.

If you wish to show what the color looks like then in your post include two versions of the following text:

(HR width="100%" SIZE=200 color="#AAFFFF")

(HR width="100%" SIZE=200 color="#FFFF88")

The first version is that code would use your 6 own character color code to replace the AAFFFF.

The second version is that same code using your own color code. But you will need to replace the ( with a < and the ) with a >

The characters go from 0 – 9, A – F. Generally, 0 is darkest, F is lightest. The first 2 characters I believe are for the red contribution. Then the second 2 are for blue. And the third 2 are for green (RGB).

The first line will print. The second will (hopefully) create a block that has that color in your post page just as you can see with the two blocks in this present post. But, the text will not display

You can enter the contest more than once by using that same code more than once in your post or by submitting separate posts. However, all entries should be posted as responses to this original post or to one of its responses. We don’t want to overload the EarthWaves board with new headings.

The color you submit must be fairly light so that the text appearing on the Web page can be easily read. And the background color should not distract people reading the Web page.

Prominent science researchers from around the world will (hopefully) be submitting posts to that new bulletin board. So, choose nice, respectable colors.

With some humor intended, the mental image that I have for myself is that of an experienced researcher and “he-man,” regardless of how accurate that picture might be. And I don’t care how many votes it might get. I am not going to use any shade of pink for my Web pages background!

The deadline for entries is the time when this post goes so far down on the EarthWaves board that no one including me is able to find it.