Chile aftershock swarm
Posted by heartland chris on February 13, 2011 at 22:59:33:

There have been about five or six M6+ aftershocks between 290 and 500 km from Santiago. HD was in semester abroad in Santiago June 2010 until December 2010 and in the 5th story apartment the table danced from a M6.5 aftershock 500 km away. I'm glad she is not there to experience the 6.6 quake that just occured 290 km away. This seems a little different than just aftershocks to the M6.8 aftershock of a couple days ago; maybe more like a swarm.

Of course, being in Santa Cruz California is not much (any?) safer, with the San Gregorio fault in the near offshore. I looked at some seismic reflection data offshore here and it looks like the San Gregorio dips moderately towards the coast.