Re: Earthquake Research January 22, 2011
Posted by EQF on January 29, 2011 at 03:57:50:

Nothing about this research is easy. Perhaps 1 or 2 people reading this posting will even understand it.

I am trying teach my PC how to run CGI programs so that I can develop and refine some bulletin board software. A custom designed CGI program running on Canie’s Web server is what generates these EarthWaves Web pages.

Quite a bit of what needs to be done appears to be running. However, the next step appears to involve getting Web server software running on my Windows PC. And this is the first time I have ever even heard of that process.

It appears that there are two separate groups of people in this world, professional computer programmers, and everyone else. Most people doing any type of earthquake research such as myself are probably in that second group.