Lowell Whiteside
Posted by heartland chris on November 03, 2010 at 06:18:05:

Lowell Whiteside has a blog on Petra's site. I spent 1 1/4 years at Georgia Tech where Lowell was a friend, and I was very influenced by his ideas. He got a lot of credibility with me by sending a copy of an unpublished paper of his in 1990, from U Colorado where he had moved to finish his Ph.D. It was about distant triggering of earthquakes. I'm pretty sure that most seismologists would have said "nonsense", until the 1992 Landers quake came along and demonstrated that it happens. But, a certain amount of his stuff does not seem to work; including magnetic storm triggering of quakes, and "FFA"s, wich is triggering of quakes at fixed angular distances from major and great quakes. Roger made graphs of these things and there did not seem to be aby clear relation.
On the other hand, we did not attempt to reproduce exactly what was in Lowell's thesis.