Additional Text
Posted by EQF on August 10, 2010 at 09:15:01:

Only part of the original post got printed. This is what was missing:

To: Amit Dave


As I have said in the past, from what I can tell regarding your forecasting method, at best, what you are doing is simply identifying time windows during which powerful earthquakes are more likely to occur based on statistical data.

However, if you are also including planet position data in your calculations as I understand you are, then I expect that they are likely actually reducing the accuracy of your time window calculations.

The following is your forecast for a powerful earthquake to occur on July 26, 2010. But no powerful earthquake occurred anywhere on the planet around that time around as far as I am aware.

In my opinion, when people generate forecasts it is helpful if they let others know when they have a success. And they should also explain why some forecast was not accurate when they have a miss. Otherwise no one can tell how well they might be doing.

I have at least two Web pages at my own Web sites that provide people with that type of information. They can check my forecasting program’s actual and theoretical performance going back to the beginning of 2001.