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Re: Board Bios - |
Hmmmm - The domain name was created in April of 1997 - I was not the original owner - a woman named Susan Rosenburg originally set up the site - After the Northridge quake, there was a group of people, non scientists for the most part, who worked together talking about earthquakes - they started on Compuserve and (p something? - I hate getting old and forgetting things..) - once the WWW hit the ground running, this site was setup for people who were 'earth sensitive' to post and communicate - a place to predict earthquakes, not based on science. Susan lost interest somewhere along the way and I said I'd pick up the board and continue it - so the site was transferred to me and with the help of Joan Blaine in design, we got this board working in November of 1999. Since then it has gone from being strictly a 'sensitive' place to post - to both sensitive and scientific, to more of a science bent it is today - (mostly due to the 'sensitives' being to sensitive to ridicule.. So that was board history - My history is that in 1997 I decided to go back to college after browsing the internet and not knowing who or what to believe - I had an interest in earthquakes, basically because I live in Southern California and knowing your disastrous enemy was better than not knowing anything about quakes - and reading a ton of misinformation and getting scared from these predictions going around - well, lets just say it was a defense mechanism to learn and understand the ground beneath my feet - I found I loved geology and understanding our planet. I took several classes - got an AS from LBCC - joined geology clubs - went to meetings, field trips (including an environmental geology trip to China for 1 month in 2002), started in at CSULB taking the higher, more detailed courses, then bought a bengal kitten to show and breed and got burned out on school and really into cats! I never needed a geology degree for work - work is in the computer field - I am mainly a programmer, work with Unix, set up networks, work with PCs, etc - do customer support - maintain a bunch of websites for free (volunteer stuff) - have other investments for income. I also breed the Bengal Cats, go to a lot of cat shows and have studied and become a Cat Show judge with the TICA organization - I'll be judging in Monterey this coming weekend - this also gets me to be able to travel, expenses paid, all over the US and hopefully other parts of the world. My seismic experiences include the 1971 Sylmar quake, Landers/Big Bear and Northridge. I did also feel the 1999 Hector Mine quake and went out there the day after it occurred and took pictures, checked things out.. and of course there have been a number of other felt quakes .. I continue to have an interest in geology - I'm on a few other earthquake/geology yahoo boards, but mostly read to keep up on things and stay in touch.. Canie Follow Ups: ● Re: Board Bios - - EQF 23:07:25 - 3/3/2010 (76698) (0) ● Re: Board Bios - - Tony 14:28:36 - 2/26/2010 (76659) (0) |
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