Blind reverse(left) slip offshore Haiti
Posted by heartland chris on February 21, 2010 at 08:40:54:
Francisco "Paco" Gomez showed HW and I the link below. There is a model for slip on the fault surface if you scroll down a little. The shallowest slip is offshore, and it is more reverse than left-lateral there. It may have ruptured the sea floor; we will find out. I think this is total slip up to the date of the last Insar(?) image they used in the model, so includes a M5.8 thrust aftershock. The solution also has the fault plane moderately dipping to north, so mainly beneath the offshore. The epicenter cannot be correct if the slip model is correct; it must also be north, offshore. One question is whether the solution is at all accurate. We will be surveying the offshore with very high resolution (chirp) seismic reflection, side scan sonar (HW's), and multibeam bathymetry, perhaps using small boats in part due to shallow water. Chris