900 emails
Posted by heartland chris on February 04, 2010 at 21:23:24:

Several universities spent much of the last 3 weeks putting together a proposal to survey the offshore part of the Haiti earthquake and the submarine landslide that caused a tsunami (plus a much larger area in the eastrn part of Bay. This group, including me, sent about 900 emails (I tried to delete the ones I did not need but HW counted them). Lots of uninteresting logistics and equipment, a little good science. Proposal went in today. Usually for proposals you hear in about 5 months, but this is a Rapid response proposal and we should hear in a few days whether it will be funded. I originally thought I should not go on the cruise if it is funded but now I am tempted because there will be lots of good science discussions. I'm not too interested in whether there is a seafloor break and we know there was a landslide. But, I am interested in how a likely complex system of faults interact.

I'd have to get a second extension on a deadline for a report to USGS if I go.