no surface rupture onshore, fault slip beneath offshore
Posted by heartland chris on January 27, 2010 at 09:37:33:

Francisco "Paco" Gomez, prof at U. Missouri, just gave me an OK to mention that he just did an interferogram (comparing before and after satellite (images? radar?)) that shows the fault slip was farher west and partly offshore. He and his student also have not seen evidence from 40 cm resolution post-quake satellite for onshore surface rupture. We also heard this from another geologist expert on Haiti (who is there now).

I mapped the offshore fault that I posted on seismic profile as "unnamed fault".

I had posted a couple of days after the quake that the part of the GeoEye post quake satellite that was linked as a Google layer showed no sign of surface rupture in the east, south of Port au Prince. Must be because the fault did not break there, even at depth.


Follow Ups:
     ● Haiti quake on different fault? - heartland chris  11:13:22 - 1/27/2010  (76534)  (2)
        ● Re: Haiti quake on different fault? - heartland chris  13:20:45 - 1/27/2010  (76539)  (0)
        ● link to Japanese inteferogram - heartland chris  13:14:56 - 1/27/2010  (76538)  (0)