Re: not sure why I bothered with seismic
Posted by Beth on January 18, 2010 at 17:27:09:

You're human; you saw something and wanted to make it better. You can't change the past, but you - Chris - can really and truly change the future in ways that others cannot. You can change the course of civilization by your work and deep down you know that - which is perfectly okay because if you could and didn't realize it, that would be a real problem. So, it's okay and that's what you're trying to do even if you aren't sure where that will lead or who or what it might influence. Showing off? Only correct in the vaguest way (In my humble opinion) and more aptly described as agonizing over what has happened in Haiti, and what you can offer, combined with the frustration you feel (you can add other things here as well, just fill in the blank) ______ that you have over what could be done but ________ is too ________ (examples: underfunded, obtuse, biased, myopic, stupid, pigheaded, etc.) to get things done to prevent _______ (i.e., other events such as this, meaning Haiti, etc.) to occur. So, you feel inside that if you somehow mention _____, _____, and/or ____, maybe that will kick the powers that be into gear and they'll find a niche for you or they'll _____ which will then cause ______ and _____ to be corrected and then ____ will be better and ______, ______, ______, will be solved, including finding the meaning of life and the final number of Pi. You can't do it all my friend, but inside you feel the drive to do something so you are speaking up and out and we are listening and maybe even learning. Keep at it. What was it Edison said? something about 10,000 experiments and people only remember the one that went really well - I paraphrase there a lot, but you probably get it.
So keep putting more stuff out there - you're way under Edison's 10K.