Re: Haiti Quake - EM Signals Possibly Related?
Posted by Todd on January 12, 2010 at 21:23:09:

Below is something I found on web from August 2008 about scientists suspicions of the fault that caused today's quake. THis fascinates me a lot that the last quake on this segment was in 1751 and had estimated 8mm of slip. Def. over do.

Follow Ups:
     ● Nice piece of science - PennyB  23:18:50 - 1/12/2010  (76377)  (1)
        ● "the world is coming to an end video" - heartland chris  06:37:58 - 1/13/2010  (76381)  (1)
           ● be prepared - heartland chris  07:18:10 - 1/13/2010  (76382)  (1)
              ● Re: be prepared - PennyB  10:43:43 - 1/13/2010  (76383)  (1)
                 ● Re: be prepared - Glen  11:05:21 - 1/13/2010  (76384)  (0)