Bay Area Siesmicity lowest in 40 or maybe more years
Posted by Todd on January 09, 2010 at 00:54:02:

So I just went through the catalog and documented the number of "3+" magnitude quakes to hit the Bay Area every year from 1970 through December 31st 2009. I plotted it out in Excel and found an interesting trend. For the past TEN years, the number of total quakes of magnitude 3+ have been well below the number of quakes that occurred in the prior 3 decades.

I don't know why in my head I thought activity in the area was increasing, but clearly my perceptions are wrong. So basically in the last 10 years, earthquakes in SF have been on the decline when compared to the years dating to 1970 (Maybe this weekend I'll run through to the 60s and 50s to see).

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Bay Area Seismicity lowest in 40 or maybe more years - heartland chris  07:08:30 - 1/9/2010  (76355)  (1)
        ● Re: Bay Area Seismicity lowest in 40 or maybe more years - Todd  21:45:32 - 1/9/2010  (76357)  (1)
           ● Re: Bay Area Seismicity lowest in 40 or maybe more years - Canie  23:40:26 - 1/10/2010  (76362)  (0)