Mexico Earthquake Prediction Success December 31, 2009
Posted by EQF on December 31, 2009 at 10:15:16:

The following fairly powerful earthquake recently occurred:

2009/12/30 18:48:57 32.46N 115.18W 6 5.8 Baja California, Mexico

If you check my Data.html Web page you will see the latest version of Chart A. It contains a strong peak at 115 W longitude.

Because so many people keep stating that data like that posted after the earthquake cannot be trusted I also left the previous Chart A at the Web site. As stated in an earlier posting, the new picture files have a png format. The previous one was a jpg file. Both are shown below. And the earlier one also has a strong peak at 115 W longitude on the September 28 Time Window line.

What I have been stating to governments and researchers around the world for years is that they need to get things organized so that they would be ready to work with earthquake forecasts once the technology for generating them became available. They should not wait until that time before learning how to circulate earthquake warnings and evacuate cities etc.

Well, my forecast data are showing that to at least some extent, that day has now arrived. And unfortunately, it doesn’t look like our governments or disaster response groups have done too much by way of preparation for it.

It is my expectation that a certain percentage of people posting notes to this board will attempt to explain away those longitude peaks. That type of attitude is at times amusingly referred to as the “Ostrich Syndrome.”

However, it is not really very amusing. Lives are being lost that might have been saved.

- Personal opinions

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     ● Date Correction - EQF  11:11:22 - 12/31/2009  (76324)  (0)