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Re: Ear Tones December 29, 2009 |
Chris, You appear to be aware of probably considerably less than 10% of even the forecasting information that I have stored at my Web site. And you certainly know about less than 1% of the general scientific research that I have done over the years. In part for my own safety, I don’t discuss those efforts in public. But, my scientific projects are affecting and have affected people everywhere. You are seeing one that I have been working on discussed in the national news right now. And you will probably continue seeing it being discussed for quite a while, perhaps years. To keep this note relatively short I will discuss some theories and data regarding just one topic, Ear Tones. When Ear Tone data are available I will run them through my forecasting program and usually include them in my forecast charts. They are excellent indicators of approaching seismic activity. However, they are given a very low “weight” in my calculations. So they don’t count for too much in my charts. The formal earthquake warnings that I circulate are based largely on several other types of EM Signals. Ear Tones can be detected by people around the world. And my data show that people on opposite sides of the planet can hear Ear Tones for the same approaching earthquakes. At times they will hear them at the same time. But most often probably, different people will hear them at different times. In general, they are probably louder the closer a person is to a fault zone. But they could also be somewhat direction and location dependent. So if you were standing to the east of a fault zone you might hear them. But if you were standing to the north of the zone you would not. I don’t believe that anyone has collected any data on that. Tinnitus is regarded as a medical hearing disorder. Ear Tones which might sound exactly the same would probably not be considered a disorder although they represent a condition that is unusual. Everyone should be able to hear them if the signal is strong enough. But perhaps only 1 person in 1000 can clearly hear the ones associated with approaching earthquakes. They usually represent a biological response to some type of electromagnetic signal. And they can be easily generated and detected in the laboratory any day of the week. I can say that with virtual 100% certainty even though I don’t know exactly what type of signal they represent. Very sensitive people can hear a variety of frequencies. The most common one is probably up around 7000 cycles per second. Signals down around 10 cycles per second are probably fairly common but more difficult to detect. And there are a variety of other frequencies. I believe that I might know how the 7000 cycles per second signals are being generated and detected by the human nervous system. And I believe that I might know how some, perhaps many Earthquake Clouds, also EM Signal related, are being formed. But I have not yet had time to prepare reports on those phenomena and store them at my Web site. One of the most amusing earthquake forecasting stories I have heard over the years was told to me by one of the better known Earthquake Sensitives. When the U.S. Navy began using low frequency radio waves to contact submarines she was able to tell quite easily when they were being broadcast. And she is not known to be a person who keeps secrets. The story that I heard was that the Navy got quite upset with her telling everyone about the signals and frustrated with their inability to get her to keep quiet. Eventually they reportedly decided to change how they were broadcasting the signals in some way possibly so that she and other Earthquake Sensitives would not be hearing them all the time. At least that is the story. I still laugh about it whenever it comes to mind. As I said in the past, if anyone is hearing Ear Tones and they would like them analyzed, they can try sending the times that they heard them to me (they need a UTC format), or post them to this bulletin board. My computer programs are running sufficiently well now that if I have time I can quickly run an Ear Tone time through the programs and generate a map for the fault zone where the Ear Tone might be pointing. The map could then be posted to the board or sent back to the person by E-mail. Finally, if you intend to make significant contributions in the field of science during your career, one of the most important skills you will need to develop is an ability to tell when someone is providing you with accurate information and when the other person it telling you things simply because he or she has some type of “agenda” for doing that. As you are certainly aware if you are watching the news, the healthcare debate is being controlled not by the general public who would probably like some form of universal healthcare, but rather by government officials, the insurance industry, hospitals, doctors, nurses, unions, and any number of other groups that have their individual agendas. The sciences of earthquake forecasting and earthquake triggering are presently also being largely controlled by government officials and scientists around the world how have their own agendas, not by the people who live near fault zones and who need to know when an earthquake is approaching. If you hear some highly regarded scientist state that he or she knows for certain that earthquakes can’t be predicted then that person is most likely either incredibly ignorant or someone with an “agenda.” And as I said, an important part of becoming an experienced and effective science researcher involves developing an ability to tell when someone is giving you accurate information or “agenda” related information. My own agenda is quite simple. And I don’t mind discussing it. I work on a variety of projects related to solving problems that threaten the health and lives of people around the world. I am quite good at this. Earthquake Forecasting is just one of those projects. The one that I have spent the most time by far over the years twisting the arms of government officials about has to do with developing new sources of energy. Our global shortage of environmentally safe, affordable energy is likely our world’s most extraordinarily serious material problem. With adequate supplies of environmentally safe energy, a little imagination, and some effort, people could probably largely or completely eliminate many or most of our other problems such as diseases like malaria, and global warming, assuming that particular problem is associated with CO2 buildup etc. These are personal opinions. Follow Ups: ● Re: Ear Tones December 29, 2009 - Skywise 20:26:56 - 12/30/2009 (76318) (0) |
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