Posted by EQF on November 12, 2009 at 07:07:40:
This is not as easy to see with the Web site data as with the original computer monitor data generated by the Etdprog.exe computer program. But, if the present Chart A data for the 140 to 145 E longitude area are studied it can be seen that the longitude peaks are gradually shifting to the west (left) with time.  That shift is frequently observed with these data. And offhand I can’t recall any times when the chart peaks gradually shifted to the east with time though there could be some observable in the Year Chart data that are also available through that Web site. Those data are being slowly evaluated.That gradual longitude location shift might be an artifact of the way that the Etdprog.exe computer program does its calculations. But I suspect that it more likely indicates that the areas where strain is building in some fault zone systems over time gradually move towards the west. Note that if that Chart A drawing does appear correctly in this window it will change each time the drawing file is updated.