Re: M6.6 near Great Sumatra fault
Posted by heartland chris on October 02, 2009 at 06:47:10:

Canie, depends on how you define aftershock. It is an aftershock if 1987 Superstition Hills (~M6.6) was an aftershock of Elmore Ranch (6.2), or Big Bear was an aftershock of Landers. Since the M7.6 Sumatra quake was at a high angle to the 6.6 quake, would be interesting to know if the 7.6 propaged towards the 6.6, focusing energy. You can count on scientists calculating static stress changes.

When you were doing your work for a Geology degree, where was that? I'm working with 2 grad students at CSU-Long Beach, and spend 5 days at a time there. I'll be there again week of Oct 19. Ever think of finishing? Do you write well? Could do a little project and try and publish it. Guess this is not so easy, and you are busy, and cats are more rewarding?

I've always thought that it would make this page more interesting if we had earth science students posting.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: M6.6 near Great Sumatra fault - Canie  16:40:57 - 10/4/2009  (76058)  (1)
        ● Re: M6.6 near Great Sumatra fault - Canie  16:42:34 - 10/4/2009  (76059)  (0)