Re: not seeing much progress
Posted by Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande on September 07, 2009 at 07:46:38:
Technically, you're right, Barbara. But, functionally, I'm right, on both counts - whether illegal immigrants will be insured at taxpayer expense and that this is a scare tactic wherein the facts are deliberately twisted to form a lie. Though the major reform bill, due to some obscure wording, may be interpreted as actually requiring illegal immigrants (at least those who file income tax returns . . .) to sign up for the insurance, it does explicitly forbid them from receiving any subsidies to pay for it. Illegals just simply do not have the money to pay for it. The extremely few who do, will in fact pay for it - so where's the beef? They are able, in theory, to buy health insurance currently! And the reform bill does not change that. Mike W.