Posted by Glen on July 17, 2009 at 18:54:47:

Magnitude: 5.2 - 6.4
From: )7/17/09 1800 PST - To: 07/31/09 1800 pst
Location: Brawley
Lat: 33.000n - Long: -115.400w - Range: 100 km

EQ Prediction;

Brawley--- 100 Km Circular


Magnitude --- 5.2 to 6.4

Depth --- 4 - 16 Km

Felt --- 300+ Km

Mechanism --- Strike Slip

Time Window --- 07/17/09 1800 PST to 07/31/09 1800 PST

Basis ---Trying new pattern analysis. I believe this area
to be the weakest in the regional stress regime.

G---- Try this again. We'll see....

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Brawley | 3.7 close to coordinates - Tony  08:52:46 - 7/20/2009  (75623)  (0)
     ● Re: Brawley - heartland chris  07:20:29 - 7/20/2009  (75622)  (0)
     ● Thought You Swore Off, Glen! (N/T) - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  22:26:07 - 7/18/2009  (75613)  (3)
        ● Hey...sometimes it just FEELS right! - PennyB  10:01:30 - 7/19/2009  (75617)  (0)
        ● Boyko will take the hit - Glen  06:44:05 - 7/19/2009  (75615)  (1)
           ● Brawley-Prediction - Boyko Iliev  11:34:41 - 7/19/2009  (75619)  (1)
              ● Re: Brawley-Prediction - Mary Antonelli  21:01:58 - 7/23/2009  (75627)  (0)
        ● Re: Thought You Swore Off, Glen! (N/T) - Skywise  23:01:12 - 7/18/2009  (75614)  (0)
     ● Re: Brawley - heartland chris  07:32:34 - 7/18/2009  (75612)  (0)
     ● Re: Brawley - Mary Antonelli  22:03:51 - 7/17/2009  (75611)  (0)