High School
Posted by heartland chris on July 13, 2009 at 07:06:31:

I was not interested in High School my senior year and not interested in college, so I did not do any homework, but showed up (half asleep) for classes. People thought I was on drugs but I was not, I was just asleep (early morning hockey practices did not help). I stopped going about 3 days before graduation because we were all sitting in some gym waiting for rehearsal for graduation and that was too much for me. So, I don't have a high school diploma. I don't even know if I could have gotten one, as I failed a couple of classes. Oh, yes, and my high school principle was sentenced to death for mass murder. There was a book on that and mini series: book was "Echoes in the darkness) by Joseph Wambaugh. (link).

After 3 1/2 years of minimum wage jobs, I essentially snuck into college. Now I have a Ph.D.