Re: 1933 presentation
Posted by Canie on May 20, 2009 at 10:03:45:

It's been an awfully long time since I was making that presentation.. well.. not that long I guess.. 4-5 years? I'm not sure I can find the source of the data -

This may have been it: EQPaper
(This article is adapted from Planning scenario for a major earthquake on the Newport-Inglewood fault zone, Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 99, 203 p., 16 plates, 1988 (in press). )

So - it's from a 1988 paper.. I don't see any estimated deaths in that one - and I don't see the above article available to me online..

I don't have that cited on the slides.. and I'm not sure where the notes are that went with the slides.. I'm sure they are on the hard drive somewhere..

I think the San Onofre reference is just saying the power plant will be offline at first and then after review, will be brouht back online - no damage to it from a quake on the N-I itself.. not to say some adjoining fault couldn't take it out due to additional stresses..
