a way to plot on Google
Posted by John Vidale on April 08, 2009 at 21:19:45:

You might try these instructions for making a Google map from a selection of quakes.
(compiled by Chris of the PNSN.)

1) Go to the ANSS Catalog Webpage:

2) Choose Catalog in KML format (This is a readable file by Google Earth).

3) Enter Parameters for search that the webpage asks for:
Start date, time: e.g.: 2002/01/01,00:00:00
End date, time: in same format as above
Min magnitude:
Max magnitude:
Min depth(km):
Max depth(km):
Min latitude:
Max latitude:
Min longitude:
Max longitude:
(A note: Lat and Long need to be in decimal degrees (39.50) or degrees and minutes (39:30), also lat can range from -90 to 90 with -90 corresponding to South Pole and 90 corresponding to North Pole;
Longitude ranges from -180 to 180 with Western Hemisphere values being negative, i.e. California is -121.5). See webpage help for further clarification if needed.
Event types: Choose Earthquakes only (The catalog will be saved as a KML file to whichever directory you choose, note so you can import into Google Earth later).

4) Open Google Earth, then choose File from tool bar, then Open. Select the KML File that you saved above.

5) The KML File will be displayed on the Google Earth image, modify the image as you see fit. Try to include World Overview Map, Marker of town where inquiry originated from, Scale Bar,
and Roads to give some orientation to inquirer.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: a way to plot on Google - Todd  23:43:54 - 4/8/2009  (75101)  (1)
        ● Re: a way to plot on Google - mrrabbit  12:34:53 - 4/9/2009  (75105)  (1)
           ● Re: a way to plot on Google - Roger Hunter  12:59:36 - 4/9/2009  (75106)  (1)
              ● Re: a way to plot on Google - mrrabbit  19:54:58 - 4/9/2009  (75108)  (1)
                 ● Re: a way to plot on Google - Roger Hunter  20:21:23 - 4/9/2009  (75109)  (1)
                    ● Re: a way to plot on Google - mrrabbit  09:41:26 - 4/10/2009  (75119)  (0)