Re: Ok Michael---Try this...Anza Predict
Posted by Roger Hunter on March 14, 2009 at 08:47:48:


That's far more information than is necessary and creates a problem for you in that an error in any part of it could invalidate an otherwise perfect prediction.

> Magnitude--- 3.5 to 4.5 Mw (Mag type I use)

I usually ignore type. Most predictors don't know enough about it anyway.

> Lat-lon 116.500W, 33.500N

Ok, although 33.500, -116.500 is better.

> Period---- 03/13/09 1900 PST to 03/18/09 1900 PST

UTC is preferred. Time zones are hard to deal with.

> Depth ---- 7Km to 17Km

I've never seen anyone predict depth.

> Area---Circular 50Km

Radius or diameter?

> Felt--- 200 to 400 Km depending on mechanism and receiving geology

Not relevant, better to omit.

> Basis---- Numerous micros across regional fault zones indicating a larger strain is going to take place. (pattern) Anza is ripe, and will be the relief point for this larger strain (micro) pattern.

Items of interest but not relevant otherwise.

> Focal mechanism--- Oblique with a northwest strike reference and a northeast dip of approx 70 degrees.

You gotta be kidding. No one is going to be this detailed when they can't even get the date right.

> Is this the kind of prediction we are looking for? Or too much info? Open to suggestions.

Way too much information for my purposes.
