Posted by heartland chris on November 04, 2008 at 07:23:58:

Vote! Not off-topic. An NSF program director or 2 said that either McCain or Obama would be better than what we have now. McCain is on (head of?) some science committee, so is not anti-science. I'd worry about his running mate, who is careful what she says, but does not seem to believe that CO2 increasing temperature is simple physics and chemistry (chemistry and geochemistry were my worst subjects in university including grad school.).

The NSF people did not actually state this, but it seemed clear between the lines who the favored: same as "the one" I favor (Obama).

Whoever is elected is going to have a rough time in 2009 and maybe 2010. The half trillion deficit this year is going to get worse. I think economists use too much math and not enough logic: here is my logic: People took a beating on investment capital gains, and will for some time not be paying as much tax on stock (and large real estate etc) sales. So, less income to government. This is something the government will be stuck with. A research scientist such as myself has to hope that the government views science as important, because there is not going to be any extra money lying around.
