Works Every Time:-)
Posted by bobshannon.org on May 07, 2001 at 05:53:54:
Ha! Thanks for the cyberwork... Somehow I knew you folks would do the lookups for me:-) Every time I go to a catalogue, the procedure is slightly altered or the cat is down. It gets a bit iffy for me. Well that certainly is interesting Lowell and Petra. I will ask Dr.Alt at U of Montana about this. He is my expert on the Cascadia. I read one of his books concerning it and dang! I don't have a citation for it...but will check it back out from out wide area regional mail-order library and pass along relative information (although a good third of the book is relative to this). This subduction quake business along the Oregon Coast is very exciting in a geological sense! I might have missed it! Thanks Petra!