New Madrid/Arkansas earthquakes- coming back to bite
Posted by Lowell on May 04, 2001 at 15:38:36:

On April 26 Barry Davis posted the following question:

New Madrid
Posted by Barrry Davis on April 26, 2001 at 20:11:17:

Hi all. I really enjoy the postings here...lots of effort, emotion, energy, and "human-ness" amongst you and in your noble workings towards EQ predictions.

Does anyone know of effects the Mississippi River flooding might have on the New Madrid's earthquake potential? Any info/comments related to Memphis, TN area would be especially appreciated. Thanks.

To which I posted a statistical analysis suggesting that the opposite was true, to
the effect that snow in winter might have a greater loading effect on earthquakes
than the channelling of snow into narrow highways of water in the spring.

Anyway, things looked OK until two days ago when a Ml 2.5 occurred in No. Arkansas,
followed by a swarm in New Madrid.
Then this morning a Ml 4.4 occurred North of Little Rock Arkansas, the largest
in that area since the Enola earthquake swarm of 1981.

Then there is always that prediction from Antonio which I was quick to discount.
The last day of the window is tomorrow, but the Europeans are locating a Ml 4.8
very near his predicted zone. Will be interesting to see where that earthquake
finally ends up.

Anyway, statistics are fine, but for individual earthquakes, I wouldn't bet my life
on them.

Follow Ups:
     ● Update - Lowell   12:19:13 - 5/6/2001  (7419)  (0)
     ● Re: New Madrid/Arkansas earthquakes- coming back to bite - Lowell   15:40:35 - 5/4/2001  (7402)  (1)
        ● Let's try that again - Lowell   15:43:31 - 5/4/2001  (7403)  (1)
           ● Re: Let's try that again- a hint - Canie  21:31:40 - 5/4/2001  (7405)  (1)
              ● Re: Let's try that again- a hint - Lowell  17:01:30 - 5/5/2001  (7411)  (0)