tornado warning at Target
Posted by heartland chris on March 14, 2008 at 06:02:19:

HW had her job interview here March 12 2006...when there was a "high risk" of severe weather centered on here. The airline lost her luggage, and so she walked across the street from motel to but interview clothes and toothbrush etc. There were them multiple tornado warnings and those who stayed were required to huddle in the center of the store. I did not think this was a good place because of what Robert just would expect a roof collapse to be worst there. But, perhaps these large-span commercial building may have one side of roof collapse? So, if you get in corner or something, you have to choose the correct corner?

Anyhow, the tornadic storm touched down about 30(?) km north and killed 4 people. At the mall, there was giant hail (baseball?) that damaged every single car. When we moved here that August, all fall most of the houses within a km or 2 of where we were renting (same side of town as mall) had their shingles replaced.