Fresh (((((( 8.5M )))))) over CA?
Posted by Shan on November 10, 2007 at 20:25:17:
Chris, Regarding direct posting, I completely agreed with you. The fact is some restrictions to my friend was unable to do so. I have watched so many scientific ideas published in other websites were shared in this Board for information. Since my post was in tune with the motive of this board, hence I posted. I enjoyed my friend's prediction is the date of occurrence was closely matched with his prediction. A couple of days back he sent a mail regarding today's S-Sumatra quake prediction details exactly. In this case I too predict the quake but within the time frame of 15 days. (Please refer my website). Finally, I fear to convey the following by another expert who derived from different method and I pray NOT TO OCCUR. Date:20th Nov.2007, Magnitude: M8.5, Location: N35,W119,CA. Shan