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White house still messing with science |
See the story at the link. This is testimony to Congress they are messing with. While it is apparently normal that this type of testimony be edited/reviewed, this seems to go far beyond that: **from farther down the article:" "Gerberding seems to have tried to address some of those issues during questioning from senators. Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat and the committee's chairman, produced a CDC chart listing the broad range of health problems that could emerge from a significant temperature increase and sea level rise They include fatalities from heat stress and heart failure, increased injuries and deaths from severe weather such as hurricanes; more respiratory problems from drought-driven air pollution; an increase in waterborne diseases including cholera, and increases vector-borne diseases including malaria and hantavirus; and mental health problems such as depression and post-traumatic stress. "These are the potential things you can expect," replied Gerberding when asked about the items listed. "... In some of these areas its not a question of if. It's a question of who, what, how and when." I'm really tempted to launch into the lack of competence of the current administration. Does anyone who lives in California have anything to say about the way Governator Arnold is handling the current disaster vs how, say Katrina was handled (by POTUS, governor, mayor: Fed, state, city)? Yes, we have to allow for differences in the problems and avoid unfair comparisons. I'm a little cranky these days because I'm about to fully run out of funding for a 6 month period: I managed to get by on 50% for the last 5 years (after having no funding for periods before. For me, no funding means no paycheck. I just found out that my proposal to study the Oceanside thrust and other faults and folds offshore Newport Beach, San Clemente, and Oceanside is on hold because of uncertainty in levels of government funds available. There were a slew of constructive criticisms from the panel...some true, some wrong. One was that they claimed that a fault-fold escarpment offshore Long Beach was only 100 m-high: because I only showed the bottom 100 m of the 700 m-high escarpment at the edge of a figure showing something else: the other 600 m were to the east and above the figure, and were shown on another figure. I may or may not find out in January if I will be funded (my salary runs out at end December). I do have one other proposal to another agency pending on mapping stratigraphy for past climates for Ross Sea. I have hopes for that: it at least was not rejected in the first pass. Chris
Follow Ups: ● Re: White house still messing with science - Canie 00:12:55 - 10/26/2007 (72827) (0) ● Re: White house still messing with science - PennyB 12:52:33 - 10/24/2007 (72823) (0) |
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