Re: Conservapedia
Posted by Cathryn on July 11, 2007 at 23:38:30:

Agree with you totally re: Conservapedia. As for liberal vs. conservative, yes, it is so much jargon. But that free thinking of yours (and mine) is going to find favor in many more liberal camps than conservative.

Several years ago I voted for my first Republican. It was actually quite liberating, not just because I was canceling one of my parent's votes, but because I was doing what you said, thinking for myself. To be fair, I should note he was a very middle-of-the-road Republican, whose son was later tragically stabbed to death for his wallet on some street in San Francisco. Very sad. Then he somehow fell out of favor with voters and lost the last election. No more business lunches with Ahnold.

But I digress. The conservatives have managed to make liberal a dirty word, and I am on a one-woman campaign to see this remedied. Maybe a few cogent letters to the editors of prominent papers... Hmm.
