ex-Marine ?
Posted by michael on April 25, 2001 at 13:01:47:

Dennis (my mother taught me that it was rude to call people names ...),

I thought your attitude sounded familier! My dad was a Marine also! Now that I know something about where you're coming from, I'll offer you the same lecture I always give my father. I think he has benefited by my advice, so maybe it will be helpful to you also. Do with it what you will....

It's people like you and people like me, and all the other on this board that move the art of earthquake prediction forwards. Part of that process is lots of debate. As long as that debate is done in a civil manner, it is very constructive and enjoyable.

Sure, debate will get heating, views will be argued, things will heat up, but hey, it's all part if the process and I think you need to look at it in that manner and not take it as a personal attack, because earthquake prediction is not a personal matter.

In addition, you need to take the time and listen to other perspectives. Yours is not the only opinion in the world. Opinions need to be respected. If you expect others to listen to your opnion, then you have to take the time and listen to theirs too.

I pride myself in being very open minded. Earthquake prediction by non traditional methods, rather than mainstream scientific thought, will end up being the answer to the age old problem. If you got a method, I'm open to that also, mainstrean or otherwise.

I honestly hope you stick around and help with the debate. Earthquake prediction is a problem that has the potential to have enormous benefit if it could be realized. It will take lots of poeple and lots of opinions to make it happen.

Just my humble opinion,
