Re: Cathryn's Literary Gem
Posted by Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande on May 06, 2007 at 07:57:45:

Loved the new installment, Cathryn. You've again captured his magniloquent style perfectly. Why do you have his pique being due to the LOB's failure to recognize his great-grandfather's achievement? As I recall he actually waxes wroth mostly due to the antipodean rabble's failure to recognize his own achievement (discovery of a gold-bearing ore deposit, IIRC).

Another fruitful approach would be to explore his antipathy toward "the true GeOOOOlogy" and its pathetic, wormlike adherents.

Has he responded yet to your merciless parody?

I've added your "Rocket City" to my Amazon wish-list. I'm finishing up my last semester at school, and will finally have time for some recreational reading. BTW - my final essay in European Lit calls on me to compare Chaucer's Wife of Bath with Don Quixote. Any hints?

Mike Williams
Arroyo Grande, CA USA

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Cathryn's Literary Gem - Cathryn  17:18:58 - 5/6/2007  (71008)  (1)
        ● Off-Topic for Cathryn - Mike Williams in Arroyo Grande  05:57:08 - 5/7/2007  (71042)  (1)
           ● Re: Off-Topic for Cathryn - Cathryn  14:54:48 - 5/7/2007  (71057)  (0)