Re: About Message Board Life
Posted by Petra Challus on April 11, 2001 at 12:35:18:

Hi Roger,

I see your point and understand fully what you wished to convey. My perspective is as a person who wants to see people have any kind of valid warning, so they can get out of harms way. We are in two camps in a sense. Though I am in your camp as well. I too find the research involved in earthquake prediction very fascinating.

In my way of thinking anyone in the scientific community who actively works on this problem receives two benefits; a. if solved the acclaim one would receive would be considerable, b. the benefit and the bonus for us is that we would be at last on the same footing as people who live in hurricane and tornado zones.

You're right though, you can't push it. It will come on its on time frame much like every other major achievement, like satellites, dopplar radar and all of the micro medical devices developed as a result of the space program.

One other important difference is that I live in one of the highest seismic risk zones in the world. My sense of urgency to get ready and hopefully have some warning are very great indeed.

I often had the thought that people who live in earthquake country should design homes with some extras, mirroring what goes into motorhomes and trailers or boats at sea. Don and I have been working on some of those things at my home. For instance I had some shelving in the garage where I stored a lot of nails and screws and some tools. We used what I had, which was a lot of pvc pipe and cut it the width of the shelves and nailed them across about two inches above the shelf base. This way I won't be picking up nails and screws for days or have my other tools damaged. It doesn't interfere with reaching for them as they are mostly in jars or cans.

I am still kicking around of ideas about what to do with the kitchen cupboards other than putting those child proof openers on them. Though that may be all that can be done. Its rather a development as it goes, but trial and error are good teachers.

Thank you for your point well taken.
