Re: Missed Opportunities With Failure To Predict
Posted by Canie on April 03, 2001 at 09:42:09:

I think those areas you are speaking about are subduction areas - we don't have subduction (currently) along our coast so the possibility of us sinking is pretty remote - there are some other causes of subsidence like between 2 strike-slip faults the area between can be stretched/widened and subsequently subside (Salton sea area is a good example) - or like in Long Beach's case when too much oil is pumped out and the ground sinks - or the central valley when too much water is pumped out and it sank.

But we currently don't have subduction going on so its unlikely we will 'fall into the ocean' - we will have norhtern california neighbors someday :-)


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Missed Opportunities With Failure To Predict - Dennis  10:54:13 - 4/3/2001  (6555)  (2)
        ● Re: Missed Opportunities With Failure To Predict - Roger Musson  03:10:48 - 4/4/2001  (6572)  (1)
           ● Roger, Thanks for the clarifications (nt) - Dennis  09:20:38 - 4/4/2001  (6577)  (0)
        ● Re: Missed Opportunities With Failure To Predict - Canie  11:01:39 - 4/3/2001  (6556)  (1)
           ● Yes - things do change over time (nt) - Dennis  13:41:40 - 4/3/2001  (6559)  (0)