Posted by martin@n.i.c.e. on March 22, 2001 at 11:34:37:
At risk of calling names, you are a conceited spiteful self serving jerk who has done more to interfere with the pursuit of scientific exploration than anyone I have seen on my lenthy travels through cyberspace. YOU are an energy vampire. I don't like you and cant be n.i.c.e. I have seen you contradict yourself continuously and others as a modus opparandi. You have never shown me any information on evaluation matters that made sense and seem to really enjoy bothering people. I instigated a vote on SYZYGY after you wasted more bandwidth than I have ever seen wasted by a single individual on tearing people apart to your own amusement without coherently stating an intelligable theory or proving anything to anyone. We lost you a long time ago. Do all of your readers a favour and chop you fingers off so you can only pound the keyboard with you useless stubs. I'm sure you AND I will find it very therapeudic and the rest of us can go back to attempting to study our theories without your get through me first attitude. Your Cyber stalking of individuals when they ask you not to post on their strings is a show of bad manners and ego driven mischieviousness that we could really do without. I asked you not to post on my strings at least six times to have you answer in a goading manner and continue you wanton harrassment of me and of others who also asked you not to converse with them. Funny thing that every grown individual that YOU CONVERSE WITH soon begins to post angry childish responses to your harrassing attitude. We all have to regress to 15 years old to be able to deal with you on your level you snotty nosed cyber punk. I feel angry every time I read you correspondences with others as you love to stir up stuff and none of us can afford the precious energy that it takes to undo the web of disteaction you weave. I can't wait to see you stop posting because we'd all be better off without you harassment which has caused many posters to flee your nagging from any board you attend. And you have no proof of any credentials that you have ever listed as to why you are even remotely qualified to take on some evaluator role that you seem to claim. You could never have been successful, appreciated or even tolerated by your co-workers anywhere you claim to have been employed. You have no social skills to in a communications capacity and were probably cut paychecks by the horned one HIMSELF so go drink someone else's blood you internet VAMPIRE, and leave us some energy to try and save lives. Where there is great good, great evil will surely follow. You are the proof. Off daemon!!!
Follow Ups:
● Re: Re ROGER HUNTER VAMPIRE? - Roger Hunter 13:59:44 - 3/23/2001 (6347) (0)