Re: 9 NEW earthquake forecasts for the state of Alaska
Posted by Canie on February 08, 2007 at 17:44:28:

Boy - 9 new predictions? Wow. Doesn't Alaska have the most quakes of any US state?

I'm just doing a little catch-up reading here - I'm somewhat baffled by the build up to that 7.6 SF quake that never happened.. good thing too as I was in Central California and certainly would have felt it.

I would really prefer that that kind of thing not happen again. I can see how it would certainly make some uneducated people rather nervous.

If you would like to make a 'formal' prediction that can be recorded here for posterity sake, please fill out the prediction form. Please don't continually up the magnitude as the quake day approaches - that smacked of something I can't put my fingers on... and we don't want to panic people.
