150th anniversary
Posted by heartland chris on January 10, 2007 at 10:16:49:

As Glen's link must say, yesterday was the 150th anniversary of the M7.8 or 7.9 San Andreas earthquake. I went to the second day of the 2 day workshop at SCEC yesterday and took notes and there was a lot of interest to this board, and I'll post this eventually, but need to work now (am in California this week and part of next). The link is to SCEC's press release. Driving my CO2 emitting rental car back out of LA yesterday, alone, I was listening to a talk show with a journalist contracted by the Union of Concerned Scientists about Exxon-Mobil's disinformation campaign on climate change....if true, and it seems it is, really offensive to me. So, more on that also. My concern right now is the disinformation, not what to do about the problem. Clearly, I can't preach about what each person should do.