Posted by Glen on January 04, 2007 at 12:58:25:

Hi Chris,

Yep. I am in the stage of researching the research, so to speak. I'll see if Patrick Abbot is still at SDSU, but they may be on break right now. I did see that he has done a paper on the plutonics over in the Jacumba/Ocotillo area. What I want to find first are specimens that Dibblee has mentioned; "Poway types" in the Anza formation. The actual Poway clasts should be available. There are three different clasts within that conglomerate. The Anza formation clast would give me 4 specimens for compartive study of new material.

Just to be clear, I am not trying to change the Miocene rotation theory. My chief interest is transport along the Elsinore Fault. It's an easy fault to work for an amateur rock hound. Things do get complicated though. How did Au lode bearing schist get on the west side of Elsinore, but not on the east? Yep. I have some homework to do.
