Re: Cultural Noise---Agreed
Posted by heartland chris on November 26, 2006 at 07:05:50:

I am able to make 3D views of earthqake focal mechanisms using the software Gocad. But, right now that is a little too time consuming...I am waiting for heartland wife to do something about her inhabitable Lab that she inherited at the university, so I have a little space. For me to import nodal planes into Gocad, the data need to be in the standard format (I forget what that is...fps or something). I wrote a BASIC program to convert that format and one other to Gocad format...but that is on an old Version of Gocad that runs only on my old. damaged MAC clone. I need to get Windows basic and reprogram this for Windows. After this proposal deadline, I need to move everything from the old clone to an old IMAC.
But, Gocad does not do you guys any good because it is about $3600/yr for non-industry people. Instead, there are procedures to do 3D visualization on the Harvard SCEC Community fault model page. But, these may not allow you to represent new things like new quakes...just past quakes....but there are, I think, 100s of thousands of these for California.
SCEC also has developed free ways of visualizing 3D data that may or may not do what you want. Their stuff is not as capable as Gocad so I still need Gocad.