Posted by David on March 15, 2001 at 06:52:52:
Thanks again for responding and keeping up this thread Roger. It seems we will soon run off the page so perhaps a new thread may be needed. After reading your reply, I opened up the tiny data set I've collected in the last couple of weeks. Combing through the data, I'd hoped to find something that might impress you. Being more concerned about possibly loosing your interest, nothing gives me enough confidence to show you at this time. There are a few locations in this small data set that seem to follow other locations. The number of occurrences grows when you separate longitude and latitude. There is also another trend I'm looking at but need to get myself a globe and start plotting the locations to see if it has any relevance. I'm on a contract job here in Taiwan and don't have the luxury of many of my belongings. I wish I had something I could post, but I don't. I enjoy working with computers and numbers so if you have any ideas, I'd be glad to work on it or help out. A little preoccupied with earthquakes (some may call it a hobby,) any idea that has potential is worth a try and welcomed. It surely wouldn't be the first time I've collected worthless data. I tracked all available local earthquake data since the M7.6 here and charted it every possible way you could imagine.