Ants/elf vibes and comunications from Discovery Ch.
Posted by Dona on March 11, 2001 at 15:09:26:

Yes,I think the first and easiest place to start studing is with ants. They found out this last year that ants communicate by vibrations(duh) and that they are sensitive to earth vibration.

I think it would be easy to test things with ants because many of us have had them welcomed or in the old ant farm. It is an expirorment that can be homemade.

This last year it was found out about elephant comunication being under the sound of Homo sapiens,(DUH)and they called it ELF(WHich made me laugh my silly face off,ehhheheheh,ya Extrem Low frequency). Well,this is sorta for dib. I tried to post this earlier and had to reboot ,,,duh. I love the discorvery ch.,I love dib!