Proud Of Petra
Posted by Don in Hollister on March 09, 2001 at 11:22:06:

Hi All. Petra had her day in court. I’m proud of her. She told the court like it is and the judge and her opponent listened without interrupting her.

She may not win what she’s asking for, but in the long run it could very well be us, the people who have to buy insurance who may very well be the winners. The letters she sent out to both State and Federal government may very will be the beginning of how the claims adjuster handles your claim.

This last year and half has been a nightmare for her, but that is now behind her. She’s eager to face the challenge that may be place before her. Will she be up to it? You bet she will. I hope I’m up to it. I have the feeling I’m going to be burning the midnight oil again. That’s okay. I don’t mind working with this little lady with the blonde hair.

Proud as punch…Don in creepy town.