Re: did the # lost pets go up in Seattle area?
Posted by George Gallen on February 28, 2001 at 20:52:50:

There were riots by me in Philadelphia as well, and know there wasn't any seizmic activity, except for a bunch of drunks jumping up and down throwing things.

I don't know. When alcohol is involved with rioting, You might be able to rule out EQ as a factor, except I bet they really thought "Boy the room feels like it's moving....Maybe I shouldn't have partied that much last night!!!!" :)

If the rioting had occured on any other day except Fat Tuesday, I'd say maybe. But given some of the other cities that had problems.....Maybe, but I doubt it.

What is really a shame, it seems that most of the rioting in Philadelphia was done by underaged drinkers. Sad...Very sad.
