Re: Be Prepared!
Posted by Don in Hollister on February 26, 2001 at 23:35:03:

Hi Michael. Petra is right. All of the material I have that covers on being prepared for an earthquake comes from the USGS. It is part of their Outreach Program and is managed by Patricia Jorgenson at Menlo Park.

They sent me enough stuff that I was able to pass it out to 20 different families in the mobile home park I live in and it didn’t cost me one penny to get it unless you want to count the taxes you and I pay. They even sent the same material to the library here in town, which had never requested it before because they didn’t know how, nor did they know they could get it at no cost.

As earthquakes are their business and as they put out all kinds of printed material on preparing for an earthquake it should be very easy for them to make a video showing the various different ways to prepare for a major quake.

FEMA is not a very good option, as they are geared towards the aftermath, not before. They have put out some material on flooding, but most of that came from NOAA. I’m sure that anything they put out about earthquakes would come from the USGS. Take Care…Don in creepy town.