Central to Northern CA
Posted by Mary Maya on February 23, 2001 at 16:31:31:
Magnitude: 4.4 to 5.8 From: 16:23 PST or time of post - To: March 10, 2001 23:59 PST Location: Central to Northern CA Top Latitude: 41N - Bottom Latitude: 35N Right Longitude: 117W - Left Longitude: 124W
This is about 4 days longer than I usually use. But a few more symptoms, and sounds, and mostly just following the pattern of my symptoms. No strong ones yet, no major sounds or tones except in my local area. South San Jose. Based on patterns alone. My question here is, last time, I wanted to narrow it down a few days later but wasn't sure if I could? Should I just post another prediction and leave this, or can we change a prediction? Or cancel it depending on circumstances? I will go by the parameters that are set but confidence is only about 50% at this time. Going by the timing I would normally be watching it Feb. 27th to March 3rd., and March 6th to 10th. Bye for now. Mary Maya
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● Logarithmic Scoring - michael 16:41:53 - 2/23/2001 (5382) (0)