Re: A Roast For Petra
Posted by Petra Challus on February 08, 2001 at 21:59:02:

Nice Don!

Midnight isn't all the far away. I'll just leave it at that. Tomorrow when you take me to Dr. Who in Berkeley I'll ask him what he uses to cure worts on a person's nose. That doll I've made will be my first research project into voodoo. I thought I'd see if I can give Don worts, as they are harmless, but I want to make sure there's a cure first. On second thought after what he did with my broom and my wheels, I'm not so sure worts are enough.

Maybe I should pull an Annie Oakley and take him up on the Rodgers Creek and tie him to some of those huge rocks and see if he hears anything while I'm gone. Knowing him, out of spite he would say no. Of course when he kept telling me over and over he couldn't hear a word I said, that would be a sure sign of constant ear ringing and no doubt ear tones as well. Of course if there was a quake when I left him up there, he'd be very happy. Then he would buy champagne and we'd celebrate his first rodeo event on an earthquake fault.

All kidding aside, after I get my broom back and my wheels full of air, I'm going to do something special for you. I know a place that in the light of the Moon you can levitate right off the ground, then you'll know the true pleasures of flight. How you get back down is up to you.

Thanks for the roast. A true sign of endearment. Laughter is indeed the best medicine and I haven't stopped laughing since I met you. I need to stop at Victoria's Secret and get a corset, my sides are killing me!

Thanks for being the friend you are, they don't come any better...Petra