Re: Interesting statement by Andy Michael concerning foreshocks in this same FAQ
Posted by Bob Shannon on January 03, 2001 at 06:07:49:

Andys words make a certain amount of sense. Perhaps it is an area USGS should explore more often....My predictions, which worked much better when in California I know for sure, we based on sensations alone. After moving up here I am using lists AND sensations combined....I do note to folks once in a while, when there are swarms which could end up in a larger Q, but for the most part I have found an interesting pattern in what I call marker is so new to me that I cannot explain it very well... and I'm not sure others who read about my 'markers' could replicate what I am doing...Too new. It works about 1 out of 4 times now....25% is not really a big deal, but I think I can refine it a bit...Unfortunately I lost 3 years worth of data on this very subject. No backup...oh well...